Everyone has a story to share. Here are a few that have been impacted by Wildfire Leadership.

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“Wildfire Leadership helped me to create my mission portrait. Through this experience I learned so much about how God created me uniquely, what my values are, and how to go about living my mission. It gave me a focused purpose and a filter to make day-to-day decisions based on my declared mission and vision. It helped me to say no to some good things and yes to the best things!

Because of the lessons I have learned and applied through Wildfire Leadership coaching and classes, I have identified areas of strengths and opportunities that have enabled me to empower and lead my employees better and resulted in doubling our company profits in the past year!

Finally, Wildfire Leadership equipped me to make lasting changes in my life by giving me laser-focus in my next steps so that I can live a life of intention and purpose and impact the lives of those around me! Once I was able to define my mission with the help of the Wildfire team, I now want to help other people to know theirs!”


Defiance, OH


“Wildfire has helped us define and then focus daily on our mission and vision in ministry as well as in our daily lives with relationships and priorities. Our whole family is using the Wildfire journal as well. The journal has helped us to consistently put our good intentions into actual practice. By listing first what I am grateful for, I begin each day speaking life into my day, rather than focusing on the pressures or the things I wish would change. I thank God for what is going right, rather than bemoaning what is going wrong. Listing my top 5 priorities every day and then rating myself on how I did yesterday, gives me motivation to set tangible goals for today in order to meet the priorities I intend to follow through with.

This also gives value to even the mundane things of life, like caring for my family by doing the laundry and cleaning the bathroom. Listing my 10 declarations and dreams helps me remember who I am and gives value to the "why" or the motivation behind the things I do or commitments I make. It also gives clarity for when I have to say "no" to good things to focus on what is "best". The mission portrait also plays a key role in defining this for me. All of this has given me a clear road map to follow, uniquely designed to fit who God has called me to be and the story God is weaving through my life.”

- Jill

Grand Rapids, OH



“The Mission Portrait I created became a valuable tool in understanding my worth and my purpose. It helped focus me on the activities that are best for me and why.”

It gave me greater knowledge of my strengths, weaknesses, and values. I have a better understanding of what makes me unique and how God uses me to fulfill His greater purpose. The information provided to me through Wildfire will continue to be a helpful tool in my decisions and life direction.”

- Lisa Roth

Whitehouse, OH